Do Christians change biblical intent? Yes!

Most Christians change biblical intent to suit popular belief in a future end time.

6/28/22 See the tab above listing most of the "Time Statements." New Testament "Time Statements" provide a rather precise time frame when Jesus would return. Without "reinterpreting" each and every one of them to project a future End Time for us, one can only conclude the End Time was within the generation of the Apostles.They were living in the last days. Their future, not ours.

1/19/22  Jesus to his disciples: "some who are standing here will not taste death before they see the Son of Man coming in his kingdom." Mt. 16.  If one or two disciples were 30 years old and lived another 50 years to the age of 80, they would live to see the Lord return in their old age. Clearly the Lord would return at the end of the age before the end of the 1st Century.  Jesus was speaking of his return, and to be perfectly specific, he added the Son of Man was going to come in his Father's  glory with his angels. That is the second coming of the Lord. Late first century.

6/28/22 The New Testament is loaded with "Time Statements."

1/19/22 Some disciples were still alive when Jesus returned.

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