When is the End?

The End Time is When
Jesus, John, Paul, James, and Timothy
 said it would be.
 That would be Late First Century.

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Time Statements in the New Testament tell you when the End Time would be, approximately.

Around A.D. 30, Jesus said to his disciples, "there are some of you standing here who shall not taste death until they see the kingdom of God," and "this generation will not pass away until all these things take place" and many more similar "Time Statements."

In the decades of A.D. 40's, 50's and 60's Jesus, John, Paul, Peter, James, Timothy and Silvanus told others at that time when the End Time would be, within a short time span. They said, "we are of the day", "in these last days", "the coming of the Lord is at hand",  "it is the last hour", "the time is near".

These are "Time Statements". There are many. Sixty eight of them are listed in "Time Statements". These Time Statements tell you when the End Time would be, approximately. All of these "Time Statements" with 100% consistency tell us the End Time would be in the near future of those people 2000 years ago. Many people who claim to be experts will  take every one of these Time Statements and reinterpret them into our current future today. Typically, we decide to believe in a future End Time then interpret everything to fit.

Read the New Testament and ask yourself,
who is speaking to whom?
When are they speaking? Where are they?
Who is "you"? Yourself or to whom they were speaking?
Who is "us" and "we"? Ourselves today or themselves two thousand years ago?
When is "now"?  Your "now" or their "now"?
When is "near"? Your "near" or their "near"?

If you want to know when the End Time is,
ask yourself
Who is you? You is who is spoken to.
Who is "Us"? Who is "We"? "We" and "Us" are those speaking and spoken to.
When is "Now"? When is "Near"? Those are words of urgency 2000 years ago.

If you want to know when the End Time was, you must listen to Them who spoke so long long ago. They did not know the day or hour. However we can know because their future is our past. How could Jesus, Paul, Timothy, John etc. be wrong? They repeated over and over with 100% consistency the End Time was in their own near future. Can you hear them?

If you want to know when the End Time Was, you must read the Bible and understand the words "you", "we" and "us" in context. Those were people who lived some 2000 years ago. The words "now" and "near" and other words expressing urgency referred to those people 2000 years ago. The only exceptions are when they are specifically addressed.