Prediction seems to be fulfilled in past? Confused? Needs to be future? No problem. Insert a time gap. Apply Telescopic Time Compression. 2000 years? No problem. The fulfillment jumps thousands of years into our future today!

Telescopic Time Compression is as wacky as its name implies. It is a desperate attempt by so called "experts" to take away apparent "end is near" for the disciples  and replace with "end is near" for us today.

Telescopic Time Compression:

In sequential prophetic events, a "time gap" is "read into" a dialog to project the End Time into OUR future. We are told the prophet looks into the future and sees a series of prophetic events which appear to him as events occurring in immediate succession.  The vast separation of time between events is explained like this: It would be as if we are looking at several successive mountain peaks with a telescope. Each successive peak is a little higher and a little farther away. The person with the telescope sees the successive peaks all together, when in fact they are separated by great distances because the valleys which separate them cannot be seen. The mountain peaks are prophetic events. The valleys are prophetic gaps which are large time periods between the prophetic evens. Examples:

  • Daniel 9:24: One of these "time gaps," which we call the church age, is inserted between Daniel's 69th and 70th week, projecting the tribulation into OUR future.
  • Mt.24, Mk.13, Lk.21: Jesus predicted that after the destruction of the temple, which actually occurred in A.D. 70, would come a series of seemingly contiguous events signaling His return.  These events, according to the future end time view,  occur thousands of years later. To explain a 2000 year gap, necessitated by the futurist viewpoint, imagery of distant mountains is often used. Looking telescopically at a pair of mountain ranges, separated by a valley (time gap), the distant peaks (events) appear as close as the near ones. This is a picturesque way of fitting Jesus' predictions to the futurist theory. But why would Jesus hide the valley of time from His trusting disciples?

Telescopic Time Compression and Time Gaps are Imaginary

Telescopic Time Compression and Time Gaps read into biblical text are entirely imaginary. They only exist in the minds of those who want to believe in a future End Time and need a means to justify the End Time is in our future today.

To read a 2000 year time gap between Daniel's 69th and 70th year is simply out of context. In 538 B.C. Daniel predicted a future decree to restore and rebuild Jerusalem. A decree to start rebuilding was given in 445 B.C. (Neh.2)

A 2000 year time gap in Mt.24, Mk.13 and Luke 21 does not exist. It is not there and makes no sense. If you imagine a 2000 year time gap after the destruction of the temple in A.D.70, then you must invent another temple which needs to be built and destroyed again thousands of years later. "Dual Fulfillment" is another imaginary attempt to justify the second future temple. You must also ignore the tribulation that occurred when the Roman armies invaded Jerusalem in A.D.70.