1. Argument for Past End Time

2. Argument for Future End Time

1. Argument for Past End Time
With 100% consistency, Jesus, John, Paul and Timothy said the End would come in their own generation. They said this in many ways, many times. The 68 Time Statements listed here are just a start. You cannot interpret every single one to push the End thousands of years into the future without realizing you are tinkering with Author's Intent. Author's Intent is God's intent and an honest evaluation shows intent the End Time was near for them 2000 years ago. That would be the Late First Century.

2. Argument for a Future End Time
A future End Time is based on the premise the Lord has not returned and the End has not yet come. All interpretations are based on this premise.

Future End Time and Careless Assumptions:
The premise the Lord has not returned and the End has not yet come is built on careless assumptions. Lots of them. This makes interpretation difficult: Past and Future End Times are opposite.

Careless Assumptions:
1. If the Lord returned, we would know.
2. If the End came, our world would be gone.
3. The End is the end of the planet as we know it.

1. If the Lord returned, we might not know.
2. The End was the End of the AGE, not the end of the planet. Jesus said so.

When was the End, What did they see?
Jesus told His disciples when the End Time would come, exactly. He explained exactly what they would see and experience. This was NOT apocalyptic language. It was meant for them as a warning so they would know when to leave Jerusalem. They listened to Him. Can you?

What did they see?
Take a fresh look at Matthew 24, Mark 13 and Luke 21 from the eyes an ears of those Christians who listened 2000 years ago. Step into the past and ask, "what did they see?"